How To Installand Run Linux On Windows.

How To Installand Run Linux On Windows.

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Installing linux distributions on Windows OS might prove to be somewhat challenging sometimes. However, the experience is much easier for Mac OS users because Mac OS is a descendant of Unix.

In this thread, you’ll learn how you’ll easily install Linux distributions on windows.

  • Windows provides different ways to install linux distributions based on the compatibility of your machine(how old your windows version is).
  • The First method requires that your machine operate Windows 10(version 2004 and higher) or windows 11. The processes of installation are:
  1. Open windows powershell, open as an Administrator.
  2. Run the command “ wsl –install”.
  3. Wait for it to install the VMP,WSL and it’s kernel.
  4. It will also download and install Ubuntu as it’s default linux distribution.
  5. Reboot your machine.
  6. On reboot, the Ubuntu environment will show up.
  7. Fill the necessary user requirements .
  8. Finish.

Note that you can also download Ubuntu or any other distribution directly from the Microsoft store and install it directly to your machine.

For older versions of windows, visit and follow the instructions to install linux on your machine.

Another option to run command line codes is to use the hyper terminal. It was built with WebGL. But this requires you to download and install hyper terminal and Git applications. Here are links to download them:


For hyperterminal:

For git :

After installation:

  1. Double click to open hyper terminal.
  2. Reboot your machine.
  3. Open hyper terminal again.
  4. To configure hyper to use git bash, visit this page and copy the file content.
  5. In the hyper terminal, click the button on your far left.
  6. Go to edit >preferences.
  7. Highlight and delete all the content therein.
  8. Then paste the copied file.
  9. Save.

To verify that it is working, enter these commands in the terminal “ echo $SHELL ‘”. It should return, “/bin/bash”.