This documentation is for, but not strictly restricted to :
- Fresh Javascript developers.
- Students learning javascript.
- Developers interested in javascript .
- None
In this course, you’ll learn about the common or most used terms used by javascript developers on daily basis. It will give you an insight on terms that you shall definitely encounter if you’re interested in learning the language.
1.Var, Let and Const : These words are used to create variables in javascript. Variables are means by which we store data into memory. Like a noun, a variable provides a means of identification in our code. NOTE: Const represents “constant”. It creates a non-changeable identifier to the code it is equated to.
var A = "alphabet 1";
let B = "alphabet 2";
const C = "alphabet 3";
2.Function: This word enables us to define and create functions in Javascript. Functions are blocks of code which we call to execute actions in our programs. It acts like a verb.
function name(parameter1,parameter2){
let res = parameter1 * parameter2;
return res;
3.Parameter: The placeholder for input values in a function. It is used to import arguments into a function.
4.Argument : It represents the real input value which is passed into the function.
5.Recursion : A condition whereby a function calls itself directly or indirectly.
6.If-else-else if : These terms enables us to create conditional statements. Conditional statements are expressions that help a program decide what step to take depending on the outcome of events.
* if(n < 3){
//execute this
}else if (n = 3){
//execute this
//execute this
7.For, for of, for in, while, do while (loops): These terms denote forms of looping techniques available in javascript and other programming languages. There are used to traverse through elements or cause code executions to happen repetitively until a condition is met. * for (let i =0;i < Array.length; i++){ //execute this code }
for(let arr of Array){
//execute this code
for (let ar in Array){
//execute this code
while(n < 1) {
//execute this code
8.String: A collection of characters.
9.Arrays: A collection of strings.
10.Object: A data storage structure in which variables and methods can be stored in.
* let data ={
name: "peace",
country: "Biafra",
password : "NaX678",
age : 3,
method: function(parameter){
Return parameter + parameter;
11.Methods: The functions that exist inside objects.
12.Classes: Javascript’s prototype system that defines how an object’s form (properties and methods ) will be.
13.Global scope : This defines the entire javascript execution environment. The global scope refers to the entire webpage in which all elements which are not in a function can access each other’s values.
14.Local scope : This refers to the internal execution environment of functions. Variables defined in the local scope can only be accessed by elements in that function. Element defined outside the function cannot have access to them.
15.Callback : This refers to a function which is passed as an argument to another function.
16.Boolean :This refers to a data type which returns a result of either “true” or “false”.
17.Integer: Refers to numbers.
18.Document Object: This refers to a HTML document which has been loaded into a web browser. It is the root node of the HTML document.
19.DOM(Document Object Model) : This is a programming interface for web documents that helps us to interact with elements from a document. It views an HTML document as a tree of nodes of which each node represents an element.
20.Console.log() : This is a method which logs a result to the console. The log() method outputs a message of the results of a program into a console. The console.log() method helps developers to test and debug their code.
21.Return: The return statement stops the execution process of a function and returns a value if specified.